WNJU: que ceda el paso a una nueva generacion
que ceda el paso a una nueva generacion. –al regresar.–que ironia! –empleados de salud se lanzan a la calle, para repudiar la perdida de beneficios medicos. –maestra dominicana es asesinadatras ser golpeada al salir de la escuela donde trabajaba,se sorprendera al saber quien la mato . –pudo terminar en tragedia la celebracion de los hinchas de chile en el maracana, tras la victoria en el mundial.

WNYC: Healthcare Workers Picket for Better Benefits
With about a month left before their labor contract expires, thousands of 1199 SEIU healthcare workers rallied outside hospitals across the city Wednesday.
Members want to see their free health coverage continue under any new contract. It’s been a major sticking point in negotiations and union representatives said they have already sacrificed enough.

SI Live: Nurses and caregivers will picket at Staten Island hospitals on Wednesday
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Thousands of nurses and caregivers — including many at Staten Island University Hospital and Richmond University Medical Center — will be holding protests for quality care and good jobs at over 100 facilities throughout the New York City area.

Becker’s: Union Nurses to Picket 100+ NYC Facilities Wednesday
Thousands of nurses and caregivers, members of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, plan to picket at more than 100 healthcare facilities in the New York City area Wednesday.
The healthcare union is in the midst of contract negotiations with the League of Voluntary Hospitals and Homes, an employer group that represents 109 private hospitals, nursing homes and other clinics in the area that acts as the bargaining agents in labor contracts.

NY Daily News EXCLUSIVE: Union in fight with private hospitals over free health care for members
A contract between leading city hospitals and 1199SEIU allows members to receive comprehensive health coverage for free. With the current contract expiring July 15, the hospitals would like to restructure benefits — but the union says that would leave 55,000 low-wage workers paying for some of their health care costs out of pocket.
Thousands of Nurses & Caregivers at 100 Facilities Throughout NYC Area to Hold Spirited Protests for Quality Care & Good Jobs
New York City- On Wednesday, June 18, thousands of nurses and caregivers will be holding protests for quality care and good jobs at over 100 facilities throughout the New York City area.