Thousands Of Nurses And Healthcare Workers At 100 Facilities Protest For Quality Care And Good Jobs For All New Yorkers!
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We’re Standing Up For Quality Care & Good Jobs For all New Yorkers
As healthcare workers, we dedicate our lives to providing quality care to our patients in hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies and clinics. But now, CEOs are threatening the quality of healthcare services and jobs for New Yorkers. Instead of threatening care and jobs, executives should work with caregivers to promote the health of patients, workers, families and communities. Read more>>
Biggest Healthcare Systems Financially Healthy But Threatening The Health of NY
The five largest health systems are doing well financially, with over $20 billion revenue in 2013. Read More >>
Compare Your Pay To A Healthcare CEO
CEO pay at the 5 largest healthcare systems in New York has skyrocketed by 420% since 2004, and they are now each making millions of dollars every year. Compare Your Salary Now